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發布日期 2020-10-05 13:26:00


UT PICTURA POESIS—Words into Pictures, Pictures into Words:  20th c. American Poets on the Paintings of Pieter Brueghel


時間:109.10.21 () 15:00-17:00

地點:文藻外語大學 Q607 國事致知堂

講者:George O’Connell 國立臺灣大學傅爾布萊特學者

          史春波 自由譯者










Brueghel's art has generated many poems, not only in English, by those who've found it both compelling and timeless. While viewing paintings by the 16th c. Flemish master, we will consider examples of modern American poetry written as commentary and response. This may have special interest for students of Chinese culture, in which literature and visual art have long been fruitfully entwined.


喬治·歐康奈爾,中文名喬直,美國詩人、譯者、文學教授。曾於美國和中國多所大學教授創意寫作和文學課程。為北京大學、國立臺灣大學兩度傅爾布萊特學者。所獲榮譽包括「巴勃羅·聶魯達」詩歌獎、美國國家藝術基金會文學翻譯奬、香港藝術發展局奬助等。喬氏與史春波(Diana Shi)合作翻譯華文詩多年,共同創辦經營詩歌網刊《Pangolin House 穿山甲》。2017年英譯王家新詩集《Darkening Mirror: New & Selected Poems 變暗的鏡子》入圍2018Lucien Stryk亞洲翻譯獎決選名單。另編譯有《Crossing the Harbour ·香港當代詩人十家》。2019年在臺大外文系開設臺灣現代詩英譯工作坊,譯介14位當代臺灣詩人作品,計劃結集出版。


George O’Connell

American poet, translator, and editor George O’Connell has taught creative writing and literature in both U.S. and Chinese universities, serving as Fulbright professor at Peking Univ. and Fulbright Senior Scholar at Natl. Taiwan Univ. In addition to numerous U.S. honors for his poetry, including the Pablo Neruda Prize, he has received a U.S. National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship in Translation as well as Hong Kong Arts Development Council awards. He and Diana Shi co-direct Pangolin House, an international journal of Chinese and English-language poetry and art. Their 2017 U.S. release of Darkening Mirror: New & Selected Poems by Wang Jiaxin, shortlisted for the American Literary Translators Assoc. Lucien Stryk Award, was followed by Crossing the Harbour, a bilingual anthology of ten contemporary Hong Kong Chinese-language poets. Based on work from their NTU creative writing translation workshop, they are now composing a bilingual anthology of contemporary Taiwan poetry.

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